Monday, February 21, 2011

the Golden Gate Bridge

So, I have an idea that I think will bring more tourism and revitalize San Francisco's downward economy, because I'm a patriot.

The other day I'm watching the Discovery Channel. It's at that point right after "Myth Busters," between bong-rips, before changing the channel to "Hoarders." There is this documentary that comes on on about the Golden Gate bridge which instantly makes me open a bottle of wine for some reason, but I digress. Apparently the bridge is a popular spot for suicide. I guess the saying, "if you build it, they will come," is right.

In the documentary, they talk about how the city of San Francisco spends millions of dollars per year for therapists and this net they plan on building ($50million per year) under the bridge all in attempts to prevent suicide They spend all this money on the bridge and "saving lives," but they can't push for 24-hour transit (BART) to improve the quality of bay area lives. They can't spend some of those millions to clean up the drones of homeless San Francisco has littering our streets and scaring away tourism? Then government officials tell us they have to cut services like education, police and transit because we are in the red? This makes no fucking sense. I say we should do away with the MILLIONS of dollars wasted per year on the bridge and "preventative" services and remodel the bridge. We should add a diving board. Half way down there could be a picture of proper diving educate, cause that just makes sense. If you are going to jump, do it right. When you get really close to the water, there could be one of those cameras that snap your picture. It would like like the camera on splash mountain, the type that always catches us at our worst moments. On the camera there should be a sign also which says, "Picture available for your family, just $20.99, cash only, all sales final."

They could change the name of the bridge to "Souring over troubled water."

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